What is a CATO Network?

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Sep 21, 2022
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The CATO Network is a technological security company that was founded in Tel Aviv, Israel in 2015. The founders of this company, Shlomo Krama and Gur Shatz, have also had a hand in co-founding other technology companies, including Checkpoint, Imperva and Incapsula.

The CATO Network makes a variety of different products. However, all of these products are designed to help an IT staff better manage network security. Read on to learn more about what a CATO Network is and how their products can benefit your business. 

What is a CATO Network? 

The CATO Network produces products that help your IT staff manage your network security when yourrobynne-hu-HOrhCnQsxnQ-unsplash work resources are being stored or distributed across WANs, the cloud and the Internet. The company is best known for its secure access service edge, or SASE, products and technology.

This includes products such as next-generation firewalls, application controls, URL filtering and VPN access. However, recently the company has been expanding its offerings and has recently added a cloud access security broker, or CASB, capabilities to its line of products, helping to protect more cloud applications. Currently, the CATO Network is a private tech company, but it is expected to go public in the next few years. 

What Sets the CATO Network Apart From Its Competitors? 

While there are many different technology companies out there that create and make products that are designed to increase network security, the CATO Network has been a leader in providing cloud-based security features to guard and protect cloud applications. One of the ways that the company is able to offer protection is through the managed detection and response, or MDR, platform.

The platform that the CATO network uses relies on machine learning models and artificial intelligence models to help process traffic from a network and determine what may or may not be a threat. This technology has shown itself to have a high success rate, helping to keep networks more secure. 

What Types of Business Should Consider Using a CATO Network?

Any type of business that is using cloud-based applications or storing important business information in a cloud can benefit from the products that the CATO Network has created. This includes small businesses and large corporations.

If your business wants to ensure that your cloud is safe and secure, utilizing products from the CATO Network can help you to accomplish this goal. Currently, the CATO Network has many different types of businesses using their services, including healthcare companies, insurance companies, veterinarians, steel companies, architects, automotive manufacturers, financial institutions, credit unions and lenders, and retail stores. 

Keeping your business information safe and secure is extremely important. The CATO Network may be one of many tools that can help you to keep cloud-based information secure from hackers and other types of threats to your business security system.

The team at ATSI Business Communications Systems knows that many business owners can become overwhelmed when it comes to the technological options available to their business. If you are looking for cloud solutions, including security cloud solutions, our team can help you determine what types of systems, software and networks, such as the CATO Network, may be beneficial for your business.

Reach out to us today and lets work hand-in-hand to come up with the business solutions your business needs. 

Topics: Internet Safety