Network Security: SMBs in the Crosshairs of Cybercriminals

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May 3, 2024
by ATSI Content Team

In today’s digital-first world, network security has become a critical concern for businesses of all sizes.

The recent high-profile cyber-attacks, such as the 2021 Colonial Pipeline and 2023 MGM Grand ransomware incidents, have highlighted the severe consequences of cybersecurity breaches.

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Topics: Internet Safety, Ransomware

Business Communications in Healthcare

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Nov 3, 2022
by ATSI Content Team

The biggest concern for healthcare businesses is communication. Communicating effectively and safely with staff, other practitioners, and patients is essential. But, like most things in healthcare, there are rules to follow. 

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Topics: Business Communications, Internet Safety, Office Trends

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022: Keeping Everyone Safe Online

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Oct 4, 2022
by ATSI Content Team

Cybersecurity Awareness Month this October is a chance for organizations to dedicate resources and communications to help keep their customers and employees safe online.

“During Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we highlight the importance of safeguarding our Nation’s critical infrastructure from malicious cyber activity and protecting citizens and businesses from ransomware and other attacks,” said President Joe Biden in his Sept. 30 proclamation on Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022. “We also raise awareness about the simple steps Americans can take to secure their sensitive data and stay safe online.”

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Topics: Internet Safety, Ransomware

What is a CATO Network?

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Sep 21, 2022
by ATSI Content Team

The CATO Network is a technological security company that was founded in Tel Aviv, Israel in 2015. The founders of this company, Shlomo Krama and Gur Shatz, have also had a hand in co-founding other technology companies, including Checkpoint, Imperva and Incapsula.

The CATO Network makes a variety of different products. However, all of these products are designed to help an IT staff better manage network security. Read on to learn more about what a CATO Network is and how their products can benefit your business. 

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Topics: Internet Safety

Not Taking Network Security Seriously Could Cost Your Business

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Dec 14, 2020
by ATSI Content Team

U.S. governmental agencies and much of the Fortune 500 are investigating the fallout from the recently revealed SolarWinds hack, a sophisticated malware attack that has been called a grave risk to national security.

While small and medium businesses (SMB) may have not been the target of this cyber-attack, they are increasingly in the crosshairs of malicious actors looking for vulnerabilities in their network security.

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Topics: Internet Safety, VPN

Best Practices for Cyber Security When Working from Home

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Apr 14, 2020
by ATSI Content Team

Are you working from home? If so, now is the time to focus on network security. People working from home face unique network security challenges that can lead to data breaches, if they're not careful. If you're working from home, whether you've recently started working from home or you're an experienced work from home pro, these tips can help you keep your data safe.  

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Topics: Internet Safety

Types of Ransomware Attacks

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Sep 11, 2019
by ATSI Content Team

Ransomware is one of the most destructive forms of malware that can affect your computer systems. Unlike other malware, which may seek to steal specific types of information or just shut down your system, ransomware is designed to bring in a large sum of money for the owner. When ransomware infects your system, it takes some or all of it "hostage." You will typically receive a message demanding a sum of money in exchange for control of the captive data and/or operations. Different types of ransomware exist, and it is important to understand each type so you can protect yourself more effectively. Below are some of the most common sources of ransomware attacks.

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Topics: Internet Safety, Ransomware